Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go away!

Rainy, cold, downright depressing weather. That right there just expressed my mood for the morning. Sipping on a hot cup joe trying gather some energy, but find it harder today.
My hope for this blog is to maybe figure some things about myself and I guess a way of dealing with them by writing it all down, my therapy I suppose you can say. A way to sort out my feelings because I feel so much, that my problems and emotions get entangled and confused together so bad that I cant separate them and deal with them appropiatley.
Well to get started, I'm twenty one. With absolute honesty, I have to admit this is the most bewildering time in my life. I have no clue, whatsoever of who I am, where I'm going and how I'm gonna get there. I should at least have an inkling to all those but I dont.